SAVING THROWS | TOTAL | | BASE | | ABILITY | | MAGIC | | EPIC | | MISC | | TEMPORARY | CONDITIONAL MODIFIERS | Fortitude Constitution | +5 | = | +3 | + | +2 | + | +0
| + | +0
| + | +0
| + |
| Reflex Dexterity | +4 | = | +1 | + | +3 | + | +0
| + | +0
| + | +0
| + |
| Will Wisdom | +2 | = | +1 | + | +1 | + | +0
| + | +0
| + | +0
| + |
| | TOTAL | | BASE ATTACK | | STAT | | SIZE | | EPIC | | MISC | | TEMP | MELEE ATTACK BONUS | +6 | = | +3
| + | +3 | + | +0
| + | +0
| + | +0
| + |
| RANGED ATTACK BONUS | +6 | = | +3
| + | +3 | + | +0
| + | +0
| + | +0
| + |
| GRAPPLE ATTACK BONUS | +6 | = | +3
| + | +3 | + | +0
| + | +0
| + | +0
| + |
| 1d3+3
| 20/x2
| Dagger
| PS
| M
| 19-20/x2
| | 1H-P | 1H-O | 2H | 2W-P-(OH) | 2W-P-(OL) | 2W-OH | Bonus | +6
| +2
| +6
| +0
| +2
| -2
| Dam | 1d4+3
| 1d4+1
| 1d4+3
| 1d4+3
| 1d4+3
| 1d4+1
| Range | 20 ft.'
| 30 ft.'
| 40 ft.'
| 60 ft.'
| 80 ft.'
| Bonus | +7
| +5
| +4
| +2
| +0
| Dam | 1d4+4 | 1d4+4 | 1d4+3 | 1d4+3 | 1d4+3 | Ammunition Used
| ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ | Special Properties
| *Greatsword
| S
| M
| 19-20/x2
| | 1H-P | 1H-O | 2H | 2W-P-(OH) | 2W-P-(OL) | 2W-OH | Bonus | N/A
| N/A
| +6
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| Dam | N/A
| N/A
| 2d6+4
| N/A
| N/A
| N/A
| Special Properties |
| 1H-P: One handed, primary hand. 1H-O: One handed, off hand. 2H: Two handed. 2W-P-(OH): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is heavy). 2W-P-(OL): 2 weapons, primary hand (off hand weapon is light). 2W-OH:2 weapons, off hand. | *Chain Shirt
| +4
| +4
| 20
PCGen Character Template by ROG, mods/maint by Arcady, Barak & Dimrill. For suggestions please post to with "OS Suggestion" in the subject line. Created using PCGen 5.9.4-Alpha on Aug 10, 2006
EQUIPMENT | ITEM | LOCATION | QTY | WT. | COST | Arrows (20) | Carried
| 2
| 3
| 1
| Whetstone | Saddlebags
| 1
| 1
| 0.02
| Artisan's Tools (Bowmaking) | Backpack
| 1
| 5
| 5
| Artisan's Tools (Weaponsmithing) | Saddlebags
| 1
| 5
| 5
| Backpack | Carried
| 1
| 2
| 2
| Bedroll | Warhorse (Light) (Medium)
| 1
| 5
| 0.1
| Chain Shirt | Equipped
| 1
| 25
| 100
| Climber's Kit | Backpack
| 1
| 5
| 80
| Dagger | Carried
| 2
| 1
| 2
| Fishhook | Backpack
| 1
| 0
| 0.1
| Flint and Steel | Backpack
| 1
| 0
| 1
| Greatsword | Equipped
| 1
| 8
| 50
| Holy Water (Flask) | Backpack
| 1
| 1
| 25
| Longbow (Composite/Masterwork/+3) (STR bonus to damage) | Carried
| 1
| 3
| 700
| Oil (1 Pt. Flask) | Backpack
| 2
| 1
| 0.1
| Explorer's Outfit | Equipped
| 1
| 8
| 0
| Pouch (Belt) | Carried
| 1
| 0.5
| 1
| Rations (Trail/Per Day) | Backpack
| 3
| 1
| 0.5
| | ITEM | LOCATION | QTY | WT. | COST | Rope (Hempen/50 Ft.) | Warhorse (Light) (Medium)
| 1
| 10
| 1
| Sack | Warhorse (Light) (Medium)
| 1
| 0.5
| 0.1
| Sack | Warhorse (Light) (Medium)
| 1
| 0.5
| 0.1
| Saddle (Military) (+2 circumstance bonus on Ride checks related to staying in the saddle) | Warhorse (Light) (Medium)
| 1
| 30
| 20
| Saddlebags | Warhorse (Light) (Medium)
| 1
| 8
| 4
| Sewing Needle | Backpack
| 1
| 0
| 0.5
| Signal Whistle | Pouch (Belt)
| 1
| 0
| 0.8
| Signet Ring | Equipped
| 1
| 0
| 5
| Sledge | Saddlebags
| 1
| 10
| 1
| Soap (Per Lb.) | Saddlebags
| 1
| 1
| 0.5
| Spade or Shovel | Saddlebags
| 1
| 8
| 2
| Spyglass | Backpack
| 1
| 1
| 1000
| Sunrod | Backpack
| 1
| 1
| 2
| Tent | Saddlebags
| 2
| 20
| 10
| Tindertwig | Pouch (Belt)
| 4
| 0
| 1
| Warhorse (Light) (Medium) |
| 1
| 0
| 150
| Waterskin (Filled) | Carried
| 2
| 4
| 1
| TOTAL WEIGHT CARRIED/VALUE | 65.5 lbs. | 2221.12 gp | | | WEIGHT ALLOWANCE | Light | 76 | Medium | 153 | Heavy | 230 | Longbow (Composite/Masterwork/+3)
| P
| M
| 20/x3
| Range | 30 ft.'
| 165 ft.'
| 330 ft.'
| 495 ft.'
| 660 ft.'
| Bonus | +8
| +7
| +5
| +3
| +1
| Dam | 1d8+4 | 1d8+3 | 1d8+3 | 1d8+3 | 1d8+3 | Ammunition Used
| ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ | Special Properties
| STR bonus to damage
| | LANGUAGES | Common, Elven, Giant
| PROFICIENCIES | Axe (Throwing), Battleaxe, Club, Crossbow (Heavy), Crossbow (Light), Dagger, Dagger (Punching), Dart, Falchion, Flail, Flail (Heavy), Gauntlet, Gauntlet (Spiked), Glaive, Greataxe, Greatclub, Greatsword, Guisarme, Halberd, Hammer (Light), Handaxe, Javelin, Kukri, Lance, Longbow, Longspear, Longsword, Mace (Heavy), Mace (Light), Morningstar, Pick (Heavy), Pick (Light), Quarterstaff, Ranseur, Rapier, Sap, Scimitar, Scythe, Shieldbash (Heavy), Shieldbash (Light), Shortbow, Shortspear, Sickle, Sling, Spear, Spells(Ray), Spiked Armor, Sword (Bastard/Martial), Sword (Short), Trident, Unarmed Strike, Waraxe (Dwarven/Martial), Warhammer
| FEATS | NAME | DESCRIPTION | Armor Proficiency (Heavy) | When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble checks. | Armor Proficiency (Light) | When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble checks. | Armor Proficiency (Medium) | When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble checks. | Martial Weapon Proficiency | Choose a type of martial weapon. You understand how to use that type of martial weapon in combat. | Shield Proficiency | You can use a shield and take only the standard penalties. | Simple Weapon Proficiency | You make attack rolls with simple weapons normally. | Tower Shield Proficiency | You can use a tower shield and suffer only the standard penalties. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Created using PCGen 5.9.4-Alpha on Aug 10, 2006 Created using PCGen 5.9.4-Alpha on Aug 10, 2006
Notes | Character Sheet Notes | | |